Amiga CD-Sensation: Golden Games
Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 2 - Golden Games (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso
Student Aid
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) Student Aid ][ - EDIT/CREATE TEST - HELP (
This is the area where you may edit or create a test. Basically there are
two modes here. The VIEW mode - which allows you to view and scan through
the questions in the test, and the EDIT mode - which allows you to input
information or edit current question/answer information.
When you first entered this area you were presented with a row of gadgets
in the top row - this is the VIEW mode. From here you can scan through the
questions in the test simply by pressing [+] or [-] by clicking the
respective gadget or even by using the [->] and [<-] arrow keys on your
To quickly move to the top, bottom or a certain question you can do so by
selecting the [T]op, [L]ast, [G]oto# gadget/key or by using the Up or Down
arrow keys on your keyboard.
The edit mode is entered when you select either the [M]odify question or
the [A]dd question gadget/key. Once you are in the edit mode you can
continue to enter information until you press the [ESC] key which will
prompt you for the correct answer and then return to VIEW mode.
In addition to the test [A]dd and [M]odify, you can do a single line
modification by pressing the MOUSEBUTTON on the line you wish to modify
while you are in VIEW mode. Pressing [ESC], [RETURN], arrow key or even
a mousebutton will all take you out of line edit and back to VIEW mode.
From the VIEW mode you can also select to EDIT the verbose [W]hy or even
the test [S]ummary information screen by pressing the respecive key or
gadget. Note: There is a different WHY for each question, so it is best
to write some quick info regarding WHY the answer is the way it is in
there. There is only one [S]ummary page which is always displayed upon
exiting the take test area. For optimal effectiveness, this summary page
should contain a table of how to rate performace based on grade %
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) Student Aid ][ - EDIT/CREATE TEST - COMMANDS (
(Click on gadget or press the underlined letter)
[F]ormat - There are 6 pre-defined answer formats, this selection toggles
the current answer format to use for question. (note: the questions are
always 78 characters x 5 lines). The answer formats for a question are
as follows:
1) 2 Answers (76 characters x 6 lines each) ie.. TRUE FALSE
2) 3 Answers (76 characters x 4 lines each)
3) 4 Answers (76 characters x 3 lines each) typical Multiple Choice
4) 5 Answers (76 characters x 2 lines each)
5) 8 Answers (76 characters x 1 line each)
6) FILL IN THE BLANK with 7 correct Answers (76 characters x 1 line
each) - Note: Unlike formats 1-5 where there is only 1 correct answer
in this format ALL ANSWERS will be compared to a user input and if
any one is identical [NOT capitols/case sensitive] then it will be
considered a correct answer.
[W]hy edit - Enter edit mode for a brief (3 line X 50 chr) description of
why the right answer is so. Displays only if student selects VERBOSE WHY
during the take test review process.
[S]ummary edit - Allows you to change summary page information. This is
the information displayed after the user completes the test as a final
note or to allow him to compare his grades to some given standard.
[M]od - Enter edit mode and MODify current question and answer. After
finishing modification of current question it will incrament to the next
question until you choose to [ESC]ape out of modify mode.
The following keyboard commands are available during line edit,
Mod edit or Add type edit:
ARROWS - Moves cursor up, down, side to side
SHIFT SIDE ARROWS - Moves cursor to beginning or end of current line
CTRL-D - Deletes all text in current line
CTRL-Y - Deletes text from the cursor position to the end of line
[C]py - Copy current question. After performing the copy, the new question
(last one in test) will be displayed for editing.
[A]dd - Enter edit mode and ADD a new question to this test, if the
current question is empty it will begin with it and then append to the
end of test. Also see above [M]od for commands available during edit
[G]oto# - Allows you to GOTO a certain question number in the current
[-] or [UP ARROW] - Moves you to previous question in current test.
[+] or [DOWN ARROW] - Moves you to next question in current test.
[T]op or [LEFT ARROW] - Moves you to the top (or first) question in test.
[B]ottom or [RIGHT ARROW] - Moves you to the last question in the test.
[E]xit - This quits edit/create function and returns you to main menu.